Jiraiya's death and His Message
Naruto turns to Tsunade and asks her if she was the one who sent Jiraiya on the mission, to which she answers yes. Naruto becomes angry and demands to know why she would let Jiraiya go on such a risky assignment. Kakashi tells Naruto to stop and consider how Tsunade feels about it. Tsuande remembers back to the meeting she had with Jiraiya just before he left for the Rain village. It was Jiraiya who convinced Tsunade to let him go infiltrate the secretive village; he even said that he will gladly put his life on the line to set a good example for future generations.
Naruto walks alone through the streets of Konoha. He remembers the times he had spent training with Jiraiya. The training was hard, but there were fun times too, and Naruto will always remember the kindness to which Jiraiya had treated him with. Naruto’s thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Iruka’s voice. His former academy instructor invites Naruto for some ramen at Ichiraku’s to catch up on old times. But to Iruka’s surprise, Naruto simply hangs his head low and refuses the offer.
That night, Naruto sits silently in his room, not even touching the instant ramen he had made for himself. He goes outside for a walk to clear his head. As Naruto passes by a convenience store, he decides to purchase a popsicle, something Jiraiya often treated him with during his training. Later, Naruto sits quietly by himself on a bench, with the uneaten popsicle melting away, and tears flowing freely from his eyes.
To Naruto’s surprise, Iruka shows up again. Naruto wipes away his tears as Iruka sits down. Iruka explains that he had heard about what happened to Jiriaya. Naruto tells him that he wanted Jiraiya to keep watching him until the day he became Hokage; he wanted Jiraiya to see him do more than just screw up. But Iruka tells Naruto that Jiraiya was always praising him and bragging about him as if he was his own grandson. Iruka is sure that Jiraiya had never doubted that Naruto would become Hokage one day, and says that Jiraiya will always be watching over him. So instead of sulking, Iruka advises Naruto to cheer up and just be the pupil Jiraiya was so proud of - the person who he acknowledged as being the best. After hearing Iruka’s words of encouragement, Naruto smiles and thanks his former sensei.
Inside Tsunade’s office, Shikamaru receives a photo of the code on Fukasaku’s back and is told
by the Fifth Hokage to get to work on it. Shikamaru tells her that all the cryptology squads have retired for the day, but Tsunade tells him that it is a direct order and from her. Shikamaru tries to protest, but Tsunade walks past him and out the door. Sakura, who is also in the room, asks Shikamaru to please do as Tsunade has asked. She senses that Tsunade has been working like mad all day in order to hold back her grief from spilling out from inside.
Tsunade only takes a few dozen steps down the corridor before she has to stop and lean against the wall. Tears roll down her cheeks as she remembers Jiraiya’s face back to the day they first were introduced as teammates. She calls him a stupid man for going back on his promise of coming back alive.
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