Anime Rags has done it again. They have came up with the ranking for Top 10 Anime. When I saw the list I was like... WTF?
- Macross F
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- Hetalia Axis Power
- Kobato
- Gundam 00
- K-ON!
- Code Geass R2
- Darker Than Black
- Fairy Tail
- Sora no Otoshimono
It just goes to show how weird Japanese are with their fetishes. Kobato and Sora no Otoshimono are prime example of shitty anime of the season and they are up there with Gundam 00 and Macross F. Trapeze, the most trippy anime of the season however, wasn't. It just doesn't make any sense =\
When did the quality of anime dropped this low? Oh right, when moe-shit started to invade. K-ON! was the epitome of that shit (even though I find it acceptable, the rest are just... bad).
Just look at the difference from last year winter season and this year's. Last year we have 25 or so anime excluding the OVA. This year? A mediocre 15 with only a few promised quality anime. Will this trend continues?
I really hope it doesn't.
Anyway, enough of that rant. Here is my top ten anime.
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